The Law on Cookies

Such a clickbait-y title. I am, of course, referring to internet cookies. You have probably seen a banner on most websites for many months now, asking you to agree to their cookie disclaimer, which looks something like this (you may have noticed it on this website too): This is primarily a European issue, but due to […]

Civilian Drones And Privacy

Civilian drones are becoming ever-more widely used, and are raising incredible privacy concerns. In the US, if their use becomes even more prevalent, expect to lose any right to privacy at all. Europe is far more conservative in this regard. Starting as simple gadgets meant for technology hobbyists, drones have evolved considerably from the beginning […]

Does the use of GIFs violate copyright?

If you’re based in the US, you can usually do as you please, unless you intend to make a profit. In the EU – things get complicated, because depending on your country, you could possibly be sued. What is a GIF? Graphics Interchange Format files – GIFs – pronounced ‘jif‘ (I can already see half the readers up in arms), […]